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Karlie Flamingo

Karlie Flamingo NV - Hagelberg 14 - 2440 Geel - Belgium - Maatschappelijke zetel: Diamantstraat 8/337 - 2200 Herentals - Belgium,Herentals,Flanders
Company Description
Flamingo was established in 1972 by Ren? van Tendeloo, who turned his passion (birds) into his profession. After having worked from his home for many years, larger premises were acquired in 1985. In 1993, Erwin van Tendeloo succeeded his father as owner of the company and immediately decided to construct a new building, which was taken into use in 1994. The first steps had been taken in the Dutch and French markets. Export operations started simultaneously with the foundation of Pet Partners, which moved into the former premises. A period of various acquisitions now followed: Grano (B), Koemans (NL), Jacobs (B), Hoogenboom (NL) and Wolfs (B) were acquired in succession between 1995 and 2004. The accompanying growth meant that the now extended premises on the Bouwelven had become too small, and a decision was made to construct a completely new building that would also accommodate the integration of Pet Partners. In 2008, the German company Paulchen Heimtierbedarf was acquired. The rapid growth meant that various premises had to be rented, and this prompted the decision to construct a second building in the vicinity of the current location. Construction work has started and the new building will be taken into use in the fourth quarter of 2009.
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Company Name :Karlie Flamingo
Address :Karlie Flamingo NV - Hagelberg 14 - 2440 Geel - Belgium - Maatschappelijke zetel: Diamantstraat 8/337 - 2200 Herentals - Belgium,Herentals,Flanders
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