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Vedique USA,New York,New York
Company Description
Vedique was started in England by enterprising philanthropists and globe-trotting collectors with a keen eye for recognizing the very best of the regional art and handicrafts. Their eclectic collections included the very best of parian porcelain, the finest heritage-inspired souvenirs from India and the art bases of Thailand, China, Pakistan, Nepal, Australia, South America and Africa. The collectors had a deep insight into the knowledge of the land from where the art originated, were familiar with the artisans and the conditions in which they created masterpieces and were great raconteurs when it came to art! In their bid to try and get the finest art in local markets, the collectors found they had very little access to the best and the knowledge base was very limited. Finding no alternative, they decided to take it upon themselves to spread the goodwill and in this case, the finest souvenirs from all parts of the globe. Thus, brand Vedique was born. The first public initiative is started as a web catalogue. The product range is kept to a select range initially and stress is laid on educating consumers, creating awareness, encouraging the artisans and being brand-ambassadors of heritage and art that has been relegated to the fringes of obscurity.
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Company Name :Vedique
Address :Vedique USA,New York,New York
Mobile : xxxxxxx
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